Monday, October 6, 2008

First Post!

This is my first post as a "real" blogger. WooHoo!!! I don't know how to get this going, so I think I'll start with a few images of some of the delicious foods I've made over the last few days and then we'll just go straight to dinner.

It's been crazy cold here in Boston lately and although I've been in complete denial about the summer being over, I think it's time to embrace the fall! And the fall calls for comfort foods :) Without further ado I present to you my dinner... Ellie Krieger's macaroni and four cheese.

Not that photogenic, but it was sooo good and healthy! There was a whole package of summer squash in there too and all you could taste was the yummy cheese. Mmm, good! For dessert I had 2 tiny squares of Green & Black's 85% dark chocolate. It was my 4th taste of chocolate for the day. Hmm, maybe I need to calm down here! I've actually been munching all day and it's nice to finally be full!

Ok, I'm off to pack up some food for work tomorrow. Lunch will leftovers from dinner. I'll try to take pictures of the rest of my eats and will post about them tomorrow night. Good night!


Adam said...

Congrats on starting your blog!

Anonymous said...

that mac and cheese looks sooo good - the crunchy bits on top especially

HangryPants said...

What's up in the top left picture. Good luck with the blog. Look forward to reading. :)

Elina said...

The top left picture is of some blueberry muffins I made :D Sorry for the technical difficulties I'm having with the site. It's been identified as a spam blog (which it's not!) so it will take another business day for blogger to clear me and I can start posting again.
Thanks for reading, hangrypants!