So after my breakfast post, I started with the bagels' prep. I used this recipe from KathEats, which was very detailed with lots of pictures. I read it carefully and thought that it was do-able. I'm no cook, but in general, I think I can follow directions and Matt (Kath's husband) seemed to cover every detail of the process so I thought I had a good shot at actually producing some edible bagels.
I didn't take too many pictures during the process, because honestly they would look identical to Matt's (we even have the same scale!). But here is the dough, resting by the window enjoying the sun :)

And then an hour later I separated and shaped the dough into 14 bagels... This took quite a while and made me a bit nervous. By the end, though, I was proud of my little babies :D

This was taken right before refrigerating. Six hours later I boiled and baked them. I topped a few with some poppy seeds, a few with oats and left the rest plain. They are peacefully resting on the cooling rack right now.

Here are a few up-close:

I sounds like a proud mama, huh? Well, that's because I feel like I gave birth to these. It took that long to make them. And here is the problem: they are very small. These are mini-bagels, which nobody warned me about. I was hoping they would puff up, and they did a little bit, but they are still quite small. Also, because they are on the small side, they are not that soft. Did I screw this up? They look yummy. Hmm. I better ask Matt. Anyways, my bagel sandwich was still the bomb, but I'll get to that later.
Right after I put the bagels in the fridge, I snacked on my last cocoa oatmeal bar (with a magazine in the background (I'm so artsy heh?):

And then I went to the gym. I had an awesome 6 mile run + some warm up and cooldown walks. And it felt good to be done with a workout relatively early in the day :)
After a shower, I started cooking up some lunch: a fritatta with mushrooms, beet greens, potatoes and cheese. I was being a good blogger and took pictures of every step of the way, but the results were a bit disapointing so I guess I'll skip posting these. I followed a recipe from It tasted just ok. Here is my HUGE slice for under 300 calories:

I put a whole bunch of hot sauce over this baby after a few bites. It was kind of bland tasting. I think it's possibly because I used low fat cheese when the recipe called for something stronger tasting. This is my first frittata ever, and now I see how easy it is to make! I'll be making more of them, just not this exact recipe. I think I used too much parsley for my husband's taste, so lucky me, I get to eat the leftovers 2 more times, because he doesn't want any more of this stuff :( It's really not bad, just not great and I want every meal to taste amazing. I guess that can't happen every time.
Oh, while all of this was cooking, I did a load of laundry. I told you I was productive today! And then we met up with some friends at the Apple store. I want the new laptop, now! I'll wait for a few months though, because we also bought a cooling pad for my current laptop, so this will extend its life. It's kind of ghetto (I may take a picture of this mostrosity at some point just for fun) but it works.
So while we were laptop "window shopping" I got hungry, but I didn't bring any snacks with me so I waited until I got home. Then the bagel boiling/baking started and I knew I could wait until they were ready to make my sandwich. So here it is, a turkey/bacon/tomato/laughing cow cheese bagel sandwich, with some baby carrots on the side:

It was delicious, but as mentioned earlier a bit on the small side. Due to all the sandwich fillings this did end up being a very filling sandwich, though :)
A little while after polishing this off, I realized that I was actually quite low on calories for the day. And what's the best way to consume calories? By eating chocolate of course!
I did too much baking/cooking for the day, so I took a bit of an easy way out on this one. I made brownies from a mix. I picked this mix because I liked the picture on the box and because it was all natural. This is what I used:

And this was my portion with a bit of vanilla frozen yogurt and some strawberry sauce (homemade a few weeks ago to accompany pancakes, then frozen, and defrosted last night):

Sorry this picture isn't very nice, but that's the best I got. I went back for a bit more sauce. This was delicious, although did not really taste fudge-brownie like... more like warm chocolate cake really, which fit me just fine. I don't know if these will transport very well though. Maybe after they cool. I couldn't wait.
Ok, I am beyond stuffed now and need to catch up on other blogs :) Overall this was a really good day! My husband is at a bachelor party so I have the apartment to myself. I think there are some girly shows to catch up on...
1 comment:
BAGELS! So cool!!!
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