Yay for hump day being over! Today was actually a very good day, even though I kept thinking it was Friday :)
Last night I did not go to bed early as planned, but I did get some quality sleep so this morning I was less zombie-like. Very important! I woke up a few minutes early to toast a bagel and put the breakfast sandwich together... today's combo was my inspiration for making the bagels in the first place, and although my husband believes that fish has no business on a bagel, I respectfully disagree. I love lox on a bagel and that's what I had this morning (plus some whipped cream cheese). It seemed a bit on a small side so I grabbed a chobani too.

I ended up eating the bagel sandwich and then when I got to the yogurt something was missing... chocolate! Luckily I brought some chocolate covered edamames with me (just in case) so I mixed them in. I didn't take a picture of that, because they looked like bird droppings, but this was a really delicious combo! It kept me really full too and I didn't eat until way past my snack time. Here is my planned snack before the gym:

A small apple with 1/2 serving of Annie's organic cheddar bunnies. I didn't end up eating the bunnies because breakfast did a very good job at keeping me satisfied, but I did enjoy a little dessert :)

That's a calcium Adora disk. I love these!
And off I went to the gym about 45 minutes later. On the "schedule" today was a stability ball class. I try to alternate between strength and cardio days so today was a strength day. This class is like a bootcamp class. The instructor is awesome and you never know what to expect from her. The fact that she has to utilize the stability ball or the bozu ball with every exercise does not limit her at all. She definitely finds new ways to torture us :) I love and hate her! For some reason today I was actually incredibly excited for the class. Some days going to the gym seems like a chore but today I just couldn't wait to go. And it was great! Here is the best part... at the end of the class the instructor says this: (keep in mind we are all dead tired at this point and are sooo ready to be done!) "Whoever holds the plank for the next 3 minutes with no breaks, gets a free personal training session with me. I've done this at every one of my classes this week and a few people were able to do it, so do your best!" I really wanted that personal training session. This girl is awesome! So yeah, there was no stopping me... I got in the zone and did not feel the burn until 2 minutes passed and at that point I was not going to give up! Yay, not only did I have an awesome workout today, I get to have an even better one sometime in the future! (There was another guy that held it for that long too. It felt good to be the only girl!) Little victories like that just make my day!!!
On to lunch... I was pumped after my workout and didn't even feel that hungry even though at that point it was 2:30pm. But I knew I should eat before I feel like I'm starving, so I grabbed my lunch. Today's lunch featured the leftover chicken breast from last night. Still super delicious! On the side I made a simple salad of mixed greens, grape tomatoes, shredded carrots and avocado.

I wanted more after I was done but I knew I had enough. I wish I didn't eat that adora chocolate so early. I need to remember this for the future... these things are good to have for dessert after lunch.
And since we were all out of bananas and apparently I am obsessed with bananas (recent discovery), I had a banana bread larabar for an afternooon snack. This flavor is one of my favorites! I love it so much that I got a whole box of them on Amazon.

Fastforward a few hours later... I was not excited about dinner. I wanted to be responsible and finish some leftovers, specifically the frittata with beet greens, potatoes and mushrooms that I made on Saturday. This didn't taste bad on Saturday but wasn't great so I was just going through the motions when I was warming it up. I did plan for a nice dessert though, so that's what kept me going.
To my surprise, the frittatta was awesome! It must have been something about the flavors coming together in the fridge, but it was really great this time! I drenched it with hot sauce and it was perfect!

While catching up on the Biggest Loser from last night, I ate a warm brownie with some homemade strawberry sauce. I didn't feel bad at all about this! It was well deserved (and accounted for)!

Mmm, molten chocolate chips. What can be better than that?

What a great way to finish the day! Tomorrow is my weigh-in for my SparkPeople group. I am always a little nervous, but I know I did my best this week. No matter what that scale says tomorrow morning, I feel thinner, stronger and healthier than I did last Thursday. No number is going to change that (although a lower one could be nice!). Wish me luck!
Last night I did not go to bed early as planned, but I did get some quality sleep so this morning I was less zombie-like. Very important! I woke up a few minutes early to toast a bagel and put the breakfast sandwich together... today's combo was my inspiration for making the bagels in the first place, and although my husband believes that fish has no business on a bagel, I respectfully disagree. I love lox on a bagel and that's what I had this morning (plus some whipped cream cheese). It seemed a bit on a small side so I grabbed a chobani too.

I ended up eating the bagel sandwich and then when I got to the yogurt something was missing... chocolate! Luckily I brought some chocolate covered edamames with me (just in case) so I mixed them in. I didn't take a picture of that, because they looked like bird droppings, but this was a really delicious combo! It kept me really full too and I didn't eat until way past my snack time. Here is my planned snack before the gym:

A small apple with 1/2 serving of Annie's organic cheddar bunnies. I didn't end up eating the bunnies because breakfast did a very good job at keeping me satisfied, but I did enjoy a little dessert :)

That's a calcium Adora disk. I love these!
And off I went to the gym about 45 minutes later. On the "schedule" today was a stability ball class. I try to alternate between strength and cardio days so today was a strength day. This class is like a bootcamp class. The instructor is awesome and you never know what to expect from her. The fact that she has to utilize the stability ball or the bozu ball with every exercise does not limit her at all. She definitely finds new ways to torture us :) I love and hate her! For some reason today I was actually incredibly excited for the class. Some days going to the gym seems like a chore but today I just couldn't wait to go. And it was great! Here is the best part... at the end of the class the instructor says this: (keep in mind we are all dead tired at this point and are sooo ready to be done!) "Whoever holds the plank for the next 3 minutes with no breaks, gets a free personal training session with me. I've done this at every one of my classes this week and a few people were able to do it, so do your best!" I really wanted that personal training session. This girl is awesome! So yeah, there was no stopping me... I got in the zone and did not feel the burn until 2 minutes passed and at that point I was not going to give up! Yay, not only did I have an awesome workout today, I get to have an even better one sometime in the future! (There was another guy that held it for that long too. It felt good to be the only girl!) Little victories like that just make my day!!!
On to lunch... I was pumped after my workout and didn't even feel that hungry even though at that point it was 2:30pm. But I knew I should eat before I feel like I'm starving, so I grabbed my lunch. Today's lunch featured the leftover chicken breast from last night. Still super delicious! On the side I made a simple salad of mixed greens, grape tomatoes, shredded carrots and avocado.

I wanted more after I was done but I knew I had enough. I wish I didn't eat that adora chocolate so early. I need to remember this for the future... these things are good to have for dessert after lunch.
And since we were all out of bananas and apparently I am obsessed with bananas (recent discovery), I had a banana bread larabar for an afternooon snack. This flavor is one of my favorites! I love it so much that I got a whole box of them on Amazon.

Fastforward a few hours later... I was not excited about dinner. I wanted to be responsible and finish some leftovers, specifically the frittata with beet greens, potatoes and mushrooms that I made on Saturday. This didn't taste bad on Saturday but wasn't great so I was just going through the motions when I was warming it up. I did plan for a nice dessert though, so that's what kept me going.
To my surprise, the frittatta was awesome! It must have been something about the flavors coming together in the fridge, but it was really great this time! I drenched it with hot sauce and it was perfect!

While catching up on the Biggest Loser from last night, I ate a warm brownie with some homemade strawberry sauce. I didn't feel bad at all about this! It was well deserved (and accounted for)!

Mmm, molten chocolate chips. What can be better than that?

What a great way to finish the day! Tomorrow is my weigh-in for my SparkPeople group. I am always a little nervous, but I know I did my best this week. No matter what that scale says tomorrow morning, I feel thinner, stronger and healthier than I did last Thursday. No number is going to change that (although a lower one could be nice!). Wish me luck!
I love those cheesy bunnies!
I'm with you, I believe fish has every right to be on a bagel. Yum!
That's brownie looks amazing! I always love it when they serve brownies with fruity sauces at resteraunts, but never thought of just adding it on at home. Great idea!
i'm so impressed i can't believe you get a free personal training session with the woman who loves to torture! you are one strong lady!!!! *jeeeealous*
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