I woke up bright and early at 6:45 am so I could make a bagel sandwich for breakfast. It's kind of fun having these at home because I'm trying to use them in "creative ways." Ok, an egg and cheese sandwich is not creative but I've had three bagels so far and with different fillings, so that's what I mean. Anyways, this was still not early enough and I ran out of time. I remembered Tina making her egg in the microwave a few times, so I gave it a go. I sprayed a bowl with some Pam spray, cracked an egg and microwave this baby for 1 minute. It was perfect! The sandwich came together very fast so I had time to scarf it down :) Egg, american cheese, 1.5 slices of Oscar Mayer microwave-ready bacon on a homemade bagel - breakfast of champions!

Soo much cheese, yum! Once again, this bagel kept me full for the longest time (it's weird because the big Panera ones don't). I was not hungry for over 4 hours. That's just unheard of! I finally ate a snack because I was going to the gym during lunch and didn't want to crash there. My first snack was quite simple. Because I didn't have any fruit or veggies for breakfast, I was craving the apple I brought in just in case. So that's what I had... my apple+ a string cheese.

After eating this snack all of a sudden my hunger woke up. All of a sudden I was starving and the only thing that prevented me from digging into my lunch is the fact that I knew this could only end 2 ways: 1) I would skip the gym because now I was too full or 2) I would go to the gym and feel sick there. So yeah, I resisted the urge to keep eating and went to the Group Power class at 12:30. Btw, I ended up doing a quick 30 minute elliptical workout last night after blogging. It wasn't anything crazy, but the machine said I burnt 475 Calories. It's probably an overestimatation, but it was still a bunch. And I watched another episode of Sopranos :) I'm getting addicted to this show, but I only watch it when I'm at the gym, so this helps me get there...
So of course I could not wait to get back to my desk after my workout. Lunch was calling my name, quite loudly actually.

The stars of the show were wheat berries. I made a bunch a week and a half ago, and used it very sparingly in some of my yogurts and over salads. I decided it was time to use this stuff up before they go bad, so I remembered Ellie Krieger's wheat berry salad. I only made one serving without celery (eww) and scallions (double eww!) and no parsley, but then I bulked it up with some mixed greens and tomatoes. It was delicious! I definitely loved the chew of the wheat berries! I have a few spoonfulls left - I can use it up tomorrow over yogurt.
My hunger never really stopped since that first snack. I ate lunch at 2pm, then a second snack at 3pm (pumpkin choc chip cookie with tea):

And then a 3rd snack at 4pm. I ate one of Ellie Krieger's energy bars but didn't snap a photo. I made these bars a while ago and froze most of them. I grabbed one out of the freezer this morning. You'll see more of them in the future... They are really delicious!
Was I satisfied after that? Nope! But I don't like eating more than 3 snacks a day (the 3rd one is usually after dinner but I had to listen to my body) so I waited patiently until 5:30 when I left work to go to my massage!
OMG, it was sooo good! I got the hot stone massage at G2O. This was my first hot stone massage and it was amazing! Super relaxing and just what I needed. G2O is my favorite spa in Boston and every time I get a massage there I swear that next time I'll get the longer one. Of course by the time I book the next one, I don't want to spend that much money, and the cycle continues. But next time, I swear, I'm getting a longer one :D
They have a really cute waiting area there with some water, coffee and tea and cookies and trailmix. After my massage I was in such a zen mood and the girl said I could relax there and grab some snacks. I did! I had 2 handfulls of the tropical trail mix then had. I don't know how much it was... I'm guessing 1/4 cup (no pic, sorry, I didn't stash the camera in the robe). It was awesome and I had to really talk myself out of eating the whole container, jk :) I wouldn't do that, but not going back there for a third handful (eek!) definitely took some will power (and by the way if anyone is counting -that's 4-5 snacks today). I knew I had to get home asap to eat dinner!
I planned ahead so dinner once again was ready within minutes. Last night I cooked up Ellie Krieger's better burgers with green olives (ok, it's kind of weird that I featured 3 Ellie Krieger's recipes in one post! I swear I use other cookbooks for recipes). So when I got home I just warmed it up in a microwave, toasted an Eizekel english muffin, added the rest of the toppings and gobbled it up.

The white stuff is a Laughing cow wedge. I also added some pickles midway. Although it looked and smelled good, the burger was nothing special. I couldn't really taste the olives so it was quite bland. It was healthy and filling, though :) And for dessert there was a bit of chocolate...

I am officially stuffed and happy. I'm also super tired. I've been going to bed late and waking up early lately, so I think this finally caught up to me.
Thank you all the new readers for 1) reading and 2) commenting. I feel loved :) Good night!
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