I woke up this morning and my first craving for breakfast was some chocolate banana oats. For a split second I was proud of myself. On a day where I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted, I was craving a healthy breakfast. But wait, not so fast... the second craving came right after and was even stronger, this time for a ham and cheese filled croissant and a chocolate chip cookie from Paradise Bakery. This was my "cheat breakfast" a while back and it sounded wonderful on this (slightly hungover) morning. I had to have it.
Today is Friday, so as always my husband and I went to Panera for a breakfast date :) I of course was on a mission (for the aforementioned breakfast) so I only got coffee there. Our Panera breakfast date was a bit rushed this time, but it was still fun! I love breakfast dates :)
Ok, onto my actual breakfast. I present to you the ham and cheese filled croissant. It's the best!

Here is the cross section of this baby:

Seriously, worth every calorie! And then I had the chocolate chip cookie.

I warmed it up before taking this pic and it got super shiny and the grease was all over the paper (see the shin of the paper in the background?). You'd think it would gross me out and I would toss it, but no, I still ate the whole thing and it was still good. It did look like it would go straight to my thighs... maybe I need to remind myself of this mental image next time I crave one of these.

How can you resist that? I don't know... I couldn't!
This filled me up good. I still had all the intentions of having a healthy-ish lunch and save room for dinner (we're going out tonight!). Unfortunately, the free office goodies did me in. Here is what I had around lunch time. More cookies! I have no self control on "all bets are off days." *Sigh*

Multiply this by about 2 (maybe a little less). On the left you see a sugar cookie of some sort (surprisingly amazing despite the lack of chocolate) and an oreo cookie (meh, I tossed it after a bite). I had another 1/4 of a cookie of a choc chip walnut one and about 1/3 of a white chocolate macademia one. OMG, what's wrong with me?!
So yeah, needless to say I was not hungry for lunch. Not sure if this was a good or a bad idea (because of what's to come ahead) but I didn't get any. I did go to the Boston Public Library, got a new card and browsed around their cooking books section. This was actually quite stressful! They have too many books!!!!! I think next time I need to come prepared with a list because seriously I was completely overwhelmed. I did get this:

It's about throwing tasting parties, like a wine or cheese tasting party (or honey or olive oil tasting...). I'll let you know what I think :)
I also browsed through the farmers market (planned on getting my lunch there but at the end decided against it) and saw these:

Brussel sprouts!!! Apparently they are in season because they were at every stand. Apparently I also have never seen them in their "natural form" because I didn't know they came on these branchy things... they are usually separated in grocery stores. I felt quite silly that I didn't know that, but I guess you live and learn :) I'm going to get some next week and cook something fun with them! These beauties must be incorporated into one my dishes next week... yeah, definitely (sorry Adam, but you'll have to try them :D)!
All right, onto my afternoon snack that put me in a sugar coma/funk/permanent stomachache territory. More free office goodies = bad for Elina. This time it was homemade apple cake.

This was absolutely amazing! I seriously rarely get that excited about non-chocolate desserts and this gave the molten chocolate cake a run for it's money (hmm, if they were running for money that is). I would say I need the recipe for this, but I know this would not be very good for my waist line, because once again I couldn't control myself around this. I had another piece of this, and the truth is if I were left alone in a room with this cake, it would be all gone. The only thing that stopped me from going back for more was no, not the fact that I was stuffed to death, but the fact that I could not be that girl (you know what I mean!). Thank god I'm not a secretary because I could not bare having all the sweets at my desk without eating them. She needs a medal I think.
All right, I want to tell you that my serious binge stopped right there but sadly I had a little more chocolate. No picture, at this point I was too ashamed of myself, but I am fessing up here. This blog is about everything I eat, healthy or not, and I'm not going to hide it. This is my reality, and yes, I'm dealing with it. Over 4 hours later and a nap, I am still full but I am less mad at myself. Tomorrow I will be going back to healthy eating and exercise and will undo some of this damage. Now I'm going to get ready for our real date - dinner at Sel de la Terre. Reviews to come tomorrow. Here is one thing I know for sure: I won't be having dessert! :)
Hey There!!
That warm cookie is teasing me...I want it!! LOVED all the goodies in this post. Have a great time at Sel De La Terre! I love that place...so delicious...they have amazing bread too..mmm.
cool brussel sprout shot! i had no idea either :)
Maybe Adam and Derek should start a husbands brussel sprout haters club... i don't think he's had any in the last 20 years or so but he just 'knows' he hates them... MEN...
Thanks, Bridget! We did have a good time :)
Innz, maybe next time you guys come I'll make a special dish for D with brussel sprouts but won't tell him what the special ingredient is. hehe. evil :)
o i just saw this and thought of your post
sounds goooood
I saw this recipe too the other day. I'm going to buy brussel sprouts on Tuesday but I think I'll start with her other recipe that supposedly converts brussel sprout haters into lovers :D
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